féodalisation de l’espace public

Une expression de Habermas, reprise par Al Gore dans une intervention à la conférence We Media le 5 octobre dernier. Dénonçant l’impact  de la centralisation des médias sur la démocratie, il souligne l’effet "engluant" de la télévision sur le cerveau humain…

We not only notice, we are compelled to look. When our evolutionary predecessors gathered on the African savanna a million years ago and the leaves next to them moved, the ones who didn’t look are not our ancestors. The ones who did look passed on to us the genetic trait that neuroscientists call "the establishing reflex." And that is the brain syndrome activated by television continuously – sometimes as frequently as once per second. That is the reason why the industry phrase, "glue eyeballs to the screen," is actually more than a glib and idle boast. It is also a major part of the reason why Americans watch the TV screen an average of four and a half hours a day.

Intéressant Gore… Une référence de Utne Reader, qui incidemment a ses fils RSS maintenant.

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