éolienne style turbo

le petit vidéo mérite d'être vu

Me semblait aussi que les parcs de grandes pales n’avait pas l’air particulièrement efficients…

La technologie tirée des moteurs d’avion à réaction…

From the front, the wind turbine looks something like the air intake of a jet engine. As air approaches, it first encounters a set of fixed blades, called the stator, which redirect it onto a set of movable blades–the rotor. The air turns the rotor and emerges on the other side, moving more slowly now than the air flowing outside the turbine. The shroud is shaped so that it guides this relatively fast-moving outside air into the area just behind the rotors. The fast-moving air speeds up the slow-moving air, creating an area of low pressure behind the turbine blades that sucks more air through them. [Technology Review]

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