Pour des conditions de santé comparables, les enfants de milieux socioéconomiquement défavorisés sont plus susceptibles d’être hospitalisés. [Reuters Health] & [Archives of Pediatrics]
Les enfants de parents stressés sont plus susceptibles de manifester de l’asthme à la suite d’exposition à la pollution due au trafic ou à l’exposition intra-utérine au tabac. [Reuters Health] & [PNAS]
Le statut socioéconomique (40%), mais aussi le QI (25%) expliquent les différences de maladies cardiaques !
In general, the study found, men of the lowest socioeconomic status — measured by income, occupation and education — were between two and seven times more likely to die of causes related to heart disease than the most advantaged men.
« Classical » risk factors, including high blood pressure, smoking and obesity, explained about 40 percent of the disparity, according to the researchers. But IQ itself also appeared to play a role, explaining another quarter of the socioeconomic gap. [Reuters Health] & [European Heart Journal – article in extenso]
SSE: statut socioéconomique